What Effect Does Education Have on Social Equity?
“I still remember when I was hungry and my mother only had water to give me. But today my sisters and I are educated and we can take care of our mother. Relatives who shunned us when we needed help now interact with us as equals. My life totally changed because of an educational scholarship.”
Social equity can be a hard term to define, because it cuts across so many disciplines that affect human beings. The term “equity” differs from “equality” in its nuance. Whereas social equality is a more mathematical approach in which every citizen receives equal treatment, equity implies treatment based on each individual’s circumstances, i.e. need. Because different backgrounds can confer or deny advantages, social equity has more to do with evening out the playing field. Most would agree that in regards to education, providing every student with the support they need for success would have major benefits for society as a whole.
Education directly raises an individual’s earning potential and is a critical factor in determining economic mobility. Higher education also results in more engaged citizens, which in turn results in a better civic society.
India has a large and comprehensive higher education system, but social inequity continues to be a barrier for young people disadvantaged by their monetary status or other factors. Equity in education would mean addressing both fairness and inclusion so that anyone, regardless of gender, ethnic origin or family background, would have access to a minimum standard of education.
Tiyara paves a simple yet powerful way forward for our candidates, granting independence and autonomy through education, as well as the ability to define their own future through socio-economic empowerment. We work with local partners in India who have a deep understanding of local communal and individual needs. These partners screen candidate applications and make educational grant recommendations for various college degrees, as well as professional and vocational programs. Your gift can help our students realize their full potential.