How Does Education Affect Families?

Parents exert the primary influence over every aspect of their child’s life. What they impart has much to do with their own upbringing, and research shows that parents’ education level has a significant impact on their child’s success. Unsurprisingly, educated parents place a higher value on education than parents who don’t possess degrees. 

Usually, the less educated the parent, the lower the family’s income. This is especially true in India, where a parent’s lack of education can restrict their children from rising in socioeconomic status and affect their ability to move up in society. An educated person has far better job opportunities, resulting in a better lifestyle for their families, including reduced risk of illness and a longer lifespan and more years of being able to contribute to their communities. An appreciation for both education and its benefits then passes down from parent to child. 

While education is not the sole indicator of upward mobility, it is a key factor. It is vital that young people be able to pursue their dreams and see a future filled with opportunity. At Tiyara, our values are empowerment, interdependence, dependability, intentionality and diversity. We provide educational opportunities that will make life-changing differences for young men and women in India, allowing them to pursue professional and skilled employment. Your contribution can put a deserving young person through college.


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